Guidelines for Filming
Location availability is contingent on the following:
- Filming Inquiry Form online submission
- Day(s) and location(s) request
- Noise, traffic and campus parking
- University calendars
- Content appropriate to and consistent with the University's image and values
- Impact on campus activities, students, faculty, staff and residential neighbors
- Necessary University staffing (ex.: site rep, facility monitor)
The following is required for all filming requests:
- FILMING INQUIRY FORM -- FIRST, thoroughly complete and submit this online form.
- INITIAL SCOUT VISIT -- Contact the Special Programs Manager. Advance permission for an unescorted scout visit can be given for Alumni Park but, for any other campus area, the scout must be accompanied by the Special Programs Manager.
- CONTENT -- A complete, final shooting script and/or storyboard must be submitted for review at least a 5 days in advance of requested first filming date. In general, the University welcomes filming with uplifting content consistent with "G," "PG" or possibly a "PG-13" movie rating. Given these content boundaries, family-oriented projects make the best "fit" for 国產aⅴa麻豆University's filming location. When considering the filming project in its entirety, the following script themes will be denied filming on the University's private property: excessive use of profanity or violence, drug usage, sexually explicit, nudity, derogatory toward higher education, racism/sexism.
- INSURANCE -- Requirements must be met including Commercial General, Business Auto
Liability, and Worker's Compensation/Employer's Liability. Specifics are available
from the Special Programs Manager.
(Note: If initial certificate submission doesn't include exact wording meeting the University's rigid requirements, expect a delay of several days until submitted certificate is corrected and accepted by the University.)
The final insurance cert must be received a minimum of two (2) business days prior to filming date. - LOCATION AGREEMENT -- A contract provided by the University must be signed by both parties and received a minimum of two (2) business days prior to filming date. Restrictions and guidelines of the contract are specific to each individual filming and are strictly enforced.
- FEES, LISTS, CALL SHEETS, PERMITS -- The following must be provided a minimum of two (2) days prior to filming date: security deposit and location fee checks payable to 国產aⅴa麻豆University, vehicle and prop lists, copies of call sheets and, County of Los Angeles permits through Film LA (i.e. parking along Malibu Canyon road, using special effects, fire or tent permits, etc.).
- TECHNICAL SCOUT -- For all but the smallest, simplest filming, a tech scout with the Special Programs Manager (or office staff member) is required. This needs to take place no less than 4 working days prior to first day of prep or shoot (and include the Transportation Captain if large production) to ensure that all approvals are secured and arrangements made to meet production's expectations. At this on-site meeting, the production company must disclose everything they want to bring on campus: set up, set dressing, special effects, number and length of trucks, large equipment, cranes, generators, and cabling plans in/out of any buildings.
More on policies, procedures
Approval to film should not be assumed until all of the above has been reviewed, accepted,
and the filming officially confirmed by the Special Programs Coordinator.
Arrival, campus parking, catering, prep, filming, strike or other activities are only allowed between 7 a.m. (no earlier) and 10 p.m. (no later). Production company must work between these "hard" times which are in conformance to the University's good neighbor policy with thousands of residents on or adjacent to our campus.
Production truck engines are to be turned off as soon as possible and please keep all noise levels to a minimum.
All directional signs must be attached to cones or stanchions, not hung on campus poles, trees, etc. The production company provides these and is also responsible for removing all of them by contracted departure time.
Temporary construction and equipment set-up, trucks, generators and other filming equipment must neither damage University property nor block campus driveways, intersections, fire lanes, exits, hallways, lobbies, entrances, walkways or any common areas on campus. All activities associated with the filming must be conducted safely and in accordance with OSHA and LAFD standards. As such, production company crew/staff/talent must utilize safety procedures that will ensure their safety as well as that of the University faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
Vehicles are not allowed to park less than 15 feet from fire hydrants. If an exception to the 'red zone/no parking' policy is secured in advance of filming date, vehicles in red zones must be marked off with cones, not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian safety and traffic flow and/or have an officer present. Stopping traffic and street or lane closures are not permitted on any campus street for filming at any time.
Pedestrian safety and access to campus areas must be maintained at all times. No obstructions or tripping hazards are allowed. If production cables lay across pedestrian walkways, exits, paths or sidewalks, the cables must be protected (e.g. rubber matting) to provide a minimum 3-4 foot walkway as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Craft service tables may not be set up in pedestrian right-of-way areas such as sidewalks.
Generators must be grounded to earth prior to hookup.
If advance permission is granted for Condor or other heavy equipment on grass, plywood must be laid out under the tires when driving and parked, then adding cones around base.
The Special Programs Manager and campus security officers have a primary responsibility to ensure that filming are done safely and with a minimum amount of disruption to the University community.
Use of lighting outside the filming location, bullhorns, siren, public address systems, blank gunfire, explosions or other noise-creating devices at any time is prohibited. Helicopter filming is banned in residential areas. Requests for campus helicopter landings or filming from the air are rarely granted.
No firearms or other weapons are allowed on campus.
Smoking is limited to certain designated outdoor areas. Smoking will not be permitted in any University buildings. All smoking must take place 20 feet from any building while on the University campus. PRODUCTION COMPANY will provide site receptacles (ex.: buckets with sand) for extinguishing the cigarettes/cigars for their crew/talent use, including several at Base Camp.
No use of 国產aⅴa麻豆University's names, likeness, marks, logos, trademarks, abbreviations or those of any of its operating units, affiliates or supporting organizations is permitted. Exceptions will only be considered when a written detailed description of use is received at least 3-4 weeks in advance of filming date.
Unless expressly approved in advance by the Office of Special Programs, do not bring guests and animals to the location.