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Possible Accommodations

国產aⅴa麻豆University provides services and accommodations in accordance with the ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. 国產aⅴa麻豆recognizes that each student is a unique individual and that the effect of a particular disability can vary from student to student. As a result, accommodations are determined through an interactive process with the student, the OSA, and medical/mental health professionals.

Examples of services and accommodations for qualified students include:

  • Note takers
  • Priority registration
  • Extended time on exams and quizzes
  • Distraction-reduced environments for exams and quizzes
  • Alternative text (e.g. audiobooks, digital text, etc.)
  • American Sign Language interpreters
  • Real-time captioning
  • Use of an assistive listening device

Accommodation request decisions are based on a variety of factors, including functional limitations of the disability, a particular academic course, and whether the request would alter the fundamental nature of the course and/or course objectives.

For inquiries regarding whether 国產aⅴa麻豆provides particular software, adaptive technology, or other pieces of equipment, please make your inquiry as specific as possible. The OSA will let you know whether such items are available from the University.

Students who have, or would like to have, a service or emotional support animal, are asked to apply with this office and review the University Policy for Animals on Campus. Please also review the Service Animal, Emotional Support Animal, and Pets on Campus page.

Housing accommodations for students with disabilities are dependent on need and availability. You will need to complete the application process and notify our office of your intent to renew housing accommodations by the dates posted by . Please also review the OSA Housing Accommodations page.

Dining accommodations: 

Malibu campus - When students request dining accommodations for the Malibu campus, OSA will first connect the student with the Dietitian of Bon Appetite to determine what options are possible for the student and what modifications can be made within campus dining to provide the student access to group campus dining. 

After the student has met with the Dietitian, the student will let OSA know of any outstanding needs or concerns.  You will apply with OSA regarding your outstanding needs or concerns.

Seaver International Programs - Dining accommodations in Seaver International Programs are specific to the program site. Each program has different food cultures and options.  If you have specific food allergies or disabilities, you will want to communicate with the Program Director to discuss the group meals, options for access to kitchens, and Educational Field Trip meals. 

After the student has communicated with the Program Director, the student will let OSA know of any outstanding needs or concerns.  You will apply with OSA regarding your outstanding needs or concerns.

Students should activate accommodations by completing a Semester Request prior to or as early in the term as possible.

updated 8.18.22